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Spiral Knights - Snowdusk Character Concept



Finally, nifty gear for my own character! :dummy:

He most probably wears a cloak when he's heading out into the snow (or even for official ceremonies!). Other than that, he'll just take that thing off and leave it in his closet. (I'm not gonna wear something that hangs a weight down on myself in a bustling town. Just imagine an overweight, socially-awkward penguin waddling all over the place...)

I'm using colour schemes based on cool colours, and also from several original armour, which are the Frosty costumes, Skolver Coat and Gunslinger Sash. Basically, it's already sort of a combination of all the armour designs. I feel like I've accomplished another milestone today :D

Edit: Tweaked some colours after much consideration. Previously it looks too much blue for my taste. Also adjusted that glaring yellow gem border to look more golden yet muted. I've tried out a silver colour, but it lacks the shine I want.

Edit #2: Added a streak of gold to the bandana to spice things up. A handkerchief always looks better with a gold lining ;)

Previous sketches and ideas: [link] [link]

Take a look at my Tumblr site for WIP stuff and more! [link]

DISCLAIMER: Spiral Knights and its respective rights belong to SEGA and Three Rings. I do not own any of the contents of the game.
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3508x2480px 3.89 MB
© 2013 - 2024 snowcube94
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Great-Ironfoot's avatar
you should combine this armor with snarbolax armor it will be snowbolax coatWink/Razz