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ToT - Intermission 2 Part 4



That moment you realize you should've given your Houndour character Flash Fire instead of Early Bird as their passive ability... Oh well, nobody's perfect right?

Based directly off of this:…

The finishing touches with the fire effects took me so long to get right. Special effects and backgrounds are the bane of my comic-making existence... :faint:

One more page to go before I move on to the prison intermission and then Chapter 3 (As well as what my friend is currently planning right now. We'll just have to wait and see.) The last page probably won't take nearly as long I hope. Also to note: Samara was not trained to handle evolution during a battle. Lin Lin and David were trained, so they could get away with it while still remaining conscious.

Enjoy the third-degree burns.

Samara of Team Lancer belongs to wedward45
Story (c) Tales of Tabira
Art/Other Characters (c)Me
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1275x8250px 4.79 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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Fanatic-Rat's avatar
I have to ask, what made you decide to rat out Prier, anyway? Or at least investigate his claims.