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ToT - Intermission 2 Part 1



Pangoro DLC for Pokken Tournament. ...I know that will probably never happen, but a fan can dream (At least Garchomp got in. Heck yeah).

Team Guang Application:
Based directly off of this (SPOILER WARNING):…

...What is anatomy. :P

Wow, fight scenes are fun to draw. Tiresome, but fun. You can see that I just gave up on putting in anymore backgrounds here, since I wanted to focus on the fight itself (and also to pump these out as soon as possible, 'cause I'm lazy). Also, after putting in the line art, I realized David was supposed to be wearing shoulder pads... Let's just pretend he took those off here for mobility's sake. This is a sparring match, not a knife fight.

Other than that, I hope I managed to get the motions down so they're recognizable and easy to follow. Drawing Lin's open mouth was fun too. Look at those choppers. :XD:

Lastly, this is for Prier's intermission, even though he's not here yet. He'll very likely come in the next page however.

Team Lancer belongs to wedward45
Story/Chili the Buneary (c)Tales of Tabira
Pokemon (c)Nintendo
Art/Other Characters (c)Me
Image size
1275x8250px 4.51 MB
© 2016 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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Spartan-771's avatar
The face of the lucario when she throw him away is like OH S**T !!!!