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ToT - Hopes On Fire - Page 1/2



Tomb raiding with a friend helps build confidence, apparently. 

ToT - Hopes On Fire Page 2 by Snowbound-Becca
ToT - Intermissions 3 by Snowbound-Becca

An RP session with MidnightRose1918 and her Braixen child, Andrea. I decided to set this up kinda like how 1Apple-Fox1 did their intermission RPs. My RP with MidnightRose1918 was pretty long, so I divided it up into two parts. You can read the first half of the whole RP here: Test of Willpower RP 1/2

For those who don't feel like reading lengthy dialogue between two characters, here's a not-so-quick summary of events taking place. 


We start from where I left off. Birch is in a slump from before and finds the note. He's unsure of what to do next, until Andrea appears to talk to him. She was a Fennekin when Birch first met her in the caverns, but now she's evolved into a Braixen.

Seeing this magical fire fox, Birch is reminded of his inner demons, including Morgan. But since he's still trying to get over that, he shows the note to Andrea to try and focus on something else.

Andrea says it's not hers, obviously. She sits next to Birch to chat, but he's still uncomfortable about something. Noticing his anxiousness, Andrea asks out of concern what Birch has on his mind.

As much as Birch doesn't want to talk about it, he remembers Rue telling him that it's okay to talk to people about his problems. And Andrea is a good friend, so he tells her the truth. He's thinking of leaving the guilds.

Andrea is, of course, surprised to hear this. She makes an accurate guess that Birch may be slowing his team down. He confesses that every time he tries to help in dangerous situations, he only seems to get himself into more danger and is unable to find the courage to do something about it.

He feels like he'd be better off not helping at all, essentially.

Andrea tells him she felt the same way when she started off in the guilds with her partner Blade, and still thought about it when Chase joined her team as well. But someone told her that just giving up isn't the answer. You learn to overcome your fears the more you help your friends and allies.

Her words seem to give Birch some hope.

She then inquires about the note. Birch tells her it's some kind of treasure map leading deeper into the canyons. He's not sure about going since it's probably dangerous, but Andrea thinks they should go together. Birch thinks they might as well check it out.

They leave a note for their teammates before heading into the canyon. The first part of the challenge says something about an uphill battle. The entrance of the ruins is located at the top of a craggy hill.

The ground begins to visibly shake as they make their way up. A rock slide suddenly comes their way. Andrea uses Protect to defend against the falling boulders. The move Protect always made Birch feel at ease.

Once the rocks stop falling, they enter the temple. It's dark and cold inside, definitely not fit for a grass-type like Birch. Andrea lights the way with her wand set ablaze. Although Birch is fearful of fire, he holds out long enough for them to find a round chamber with a large chalice in the middle and a locked door in the back.

Andrea quickly solves the puzzle. She asks Birch if he has any water on him, and he does, pulling out a canteen of purified water he had filled yesterday from his... mask. Yeah, it's better not to question that.

She instructs him to pour the water into the chalice. Magic happens, and the door opens.


Next part will likely come up next weekend, if I'm not too busy with real life and stuff. 

My and MidnightRose1918's Teams:
ToT - Team Guang Application by Snowbound-Becca     Tales Of Tabira: Team Celestial Moon App by MidnightRose1918

Story (c)Tales of Tabira
Pokemon (c)Nintendo
Comic (c)Me
All characters belong to their respective owners. 
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2550x16500px 2.49 MB
© 2017 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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Foxesrain's avatar
The way you draw the art to the story i adorable, even evolved Andrea looks pretty~ After reading the rp you both had did it really suit to that x3

Also, a little funny coincidence is that Apple got inspiried by you to make a Chapter cover, while you got inspired by her to do something like this xD