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ToT - Chapter 6 Page 7-8



Dewey is sad because he doesn't get to join in the action until much later in this story.

Next: ToT - Chapter 6 Page 9-10
Previous: ToT - Chapter 6 Page 5-6
First: ToT - Chapter 6 Page 1-2
Based off of this (Warning: contains future spoilers): ToT: The Battle of Tabira

If you're worried about leaving two kid in the house to fend for themselves, don't be. Rue is responsible and Dewey is stronger than he looks. They'll be fine. 

Also, I hope you don't mind wedward45 that I had to look up what the heck a gambeson was. Turns out this outfit really suits David to a T. 

Story (c)Tales of Tabira
Pokemon (c)Nintendo
Comic (c)Me
All characters belong to their respective owners.
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2550x1650px 760.25 KB
© 2018 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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"Fighting isn't nearly as fun when it's for all the chips on the table!"