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ToT - Chapter 3 Page 1-2



Time to get this show on the road. Literally. 

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Still trying to get used to this new setup, but I think I've gotten the hang of it. Hopefully I can get the rest of the story pages up soon before the due date... Sorry for the inactivity, things have been super busy for me here in real life. ^^;

Now for the story. Umm... Still kind of brain-storming it, but what I'm really trying to do is get Don Kapon's character down. I've been doing some research, and I'm assuming he acts a lot like the famous gangster Al Capone, what with him being an incredibly generous person on the outside but a malicious mob boss on the inside. It would make sense if that was how he managed to worm his way into power. Also, he has a mariachi band. That'll be fun to draw. :P

I've gotten a bunch of cameos as well, so thanks again to all of you who submitted your teams! You guys rock! :dummy: 

Until then everyone!

Story (c)Tales of Tabira
Pokemon (c)Nintendo
Comic (c)Me
Image size
2550x1650px 271.22 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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Luckysweep's avatar
I am loving this series of yours.