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ToT - Chapter 1 Page 17-18



Don't like long exposition? Kenneth understands how you feel.


Whoa, that due date is drawing closer than I expected. I need to wrap this up soon then.

Most of what Xin Tou is in my head canon parallels China in a number of ways, since it's true that it's a port city with high-quality agriculture located between Tabira and Rubias on the world map. Then again, I suppose it doesn't necessarily have to be fully Chinese. Asia is home to a lot of similar cultures. If the admins agree, we could have some Japanese or even Korean in there as well.

Here's some other stuff that I've made up for Xin Tou:
-It is the biggest trading station in the known world, hence why its shipments and goods are heavily guarded by a number of highly-trained Pokemon.
-Most locals you'll see in Xin Tou have ties to Asian lore, typically Chinese and Japanese (Such as Emboar, Infernape, Gyarados, Dragonair etc.)
-Their core language is Xin Tounese (which is Chinese), but with the rise of cultural diversity, schools are teaching Modern Tabiran as well (which is why Lin Lin is bilingual). However, older residents often speak broken English as a result, which may lead to some comical misunderstandings. :P
-Another thing they're most notable for is their food. Lin Lin's favorite food is Shinachiku Ramen (Chinese bamboo ramen).

Pokemon (c)Nintendo
Story (c)Tales of Tabira
Art (c)Me
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wedward45's avatar
Reading back over your stuff:

Kenneth in this page = me playing video games with my sister who pauses every few seconds to text.