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PLW - Violet's Family



I felt like practicing drawing cats, so here are three of Violet's notable family members. 

Like Rocco the Lycanroc, these three here don't have applications due to all of them being deceased. When Mewtwo first went on a rampage across Lahgenias, the northern regions were his first target, including Violet's hometown of Aldoyx City. Violet's mother Primrose the shiny Delcatty and her caretaker Amaryllis the Alolan Persian were two of the first casualties, both having been at the theater at the time of the attack which had collapsed on top of them. Larkspur the Liepard however was attempting to protect his daughter at the mansion against Mewtwo, but we all unfortunately known how that turned out...

Violet is the only known survivor in her family, and has left Aldoyx City behind to never set foot there again. She still hasn't quite forgiven Mewtwo for what he has done, but at least now understands where that evil truly stems from. 

Flashback cameos are good for these three, but that's it. 

Story Premise (c)Pokémon Legends War
Pokémon (c)Nintendo
Character Art/Story (c)Me
Image size
1032x774px 302.91 KB
© 2022 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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bubbles46853's avatar

I see what you did there with Primrose. Uh-huh.