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PLW Fusion NPC - Roaring Ivy



And now it's time... for the megas. >:3

Corruption %

Roaring Ivy

Male or Female

Recently created, true age unknown

10' 10" long (max size)

Pokémon Species
Roaring Ivy (Roaring Moon/Venusaur Fusion)

Bio-Weapon of Mass Destruction

Varies (there's more than one of them)

Chlorophyll (When the sun shines, it becomes more energized and its speed increases.)

Dragon, Dark, Grass

Type description
A primal Salamence from an alternate dimension fused with the DNA of a Venusaur.

Can fly, gains energy through photosynthesis, very bulky, poisonous. 

Vicious claws and fangs, plant control, and solar beams.


Bullet; Green    Enjoys simply flying around in sunny weather. 

Bullet; Yellow    Prefers ambush tactics while hunting due to its bulk. 

Bullet; Red    Super temperamental and carnivorous.   


Part of [the Father]’s newest line of fusion experiments, the Paradox Fusions. With the onset of warp technology, [the Father] now has access to teleporting entities from alternate dimensions into Lahgenias, from Pokémon of different types and species to completely alien lifeforms.

A powerful ancient Salamence was brought in by [the Father]'s future self. It has been cloned and experimented on to create this apex fusion. Mega evolution came to mind upon witnessing the Salamence in question, and so keeping this in mind [the Father] decided to use the DNA of other Pokémon capable of evolving past their limits. Naturally, Venusaur was one of his first choices. With its ability to camouflage itself in dense foliage as well as keeping itself energized with solar power, this fusion quickly became one of the most dangerous predators ever created. The potential for the rest of the clones can only go up from here. 

Extras/Fun Facts
Someone mentioned a Roaring Moon/Charizard fusion would be next. I thought so too, but I figured I already drew plenty of Charizard stuff and Venusaur looked like they needed more love. 

These Ancient Paradox Pokémon are plentiful due to Father mucking about with time travel and cloning. Thus they can be found in several remote areas across Lahgenias, and in a variety of fusions too, not just Venusaur ones (this is just my interpretation of what a Roaring Moon fusion would look like). They are fully corrupted however, and controlled only by Father. They're not easily tamed as a result. :'3

Application (c)Pokémon Legends War
Pokémon (c)Nintendo
Character Art (c)Me
Image size
2550x1650px 1.88 MB
© 2023 - 2024 Snowbound-Becca
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PCX-Art's avatar

>and Venusaur looked like they needed more love

I agree, Charazard is overrated compared to the other 2 Kanto starters... or a lot of later gen starters in general... GF RAMMING charazard down the fanbase's thought at evry single opportunity possible dos'nt help things. <_<;


>Prefers ambush tactics while hunting due to its bulk.

>this fusion quickly became one of the most dangerous predators ever created

Fusion Experiment (FE) #016: *sweats profusely*


Father: UBF 004! Your in charge of keeping an eye on these ones.

UBF 004: *annoyed hutfh*

Father: Oh, and if for any reason any escaped experiments particularly those that create mega stones show up you have full permission to browow some of my other experiments to... deal with them, as you see fit.

UBF 004: ...whatever.