Static 2.0snipes2 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

April 25, 2011
Static 2.0 by ~snipes2 puts the Windows' Phone 7 look & feel back on your desktop. It's a great example that the reduction of details and the overall transformation to something more minimal, combined with a perfect choice of colors, can still preserve excellent eyecandy and a very smooth workflow experience.
Featured by OtisBee
snipes2's avatar

Static 2.0



Inspired by the windows 7 phone gui and the awesome rainmeter skin omnium [link]


Thanks to Lumen-Melano here [link] i can now present to you the solution to the MS Office bug some people encountered. Here's what Lumen-Melano wrote:

Right click anywhere on the desktop and click personalise.
Make sure you have selected one of the Static themes as your current theme.
Click on "Window Color" at the buttom of the window.
Then click "Advanced appearance settings".
Then on the new window find 3D Objects in the dropdown menu under "Item:"
Then just make sure that both "Color 1" and "Color" are white.
Click OK and Save Changes and you should be done.

Because both colours are white it can affect some programs so that toolbars appear all white. You can in fact change it to any colour, as long as it isn't black.

So to prevent those issues instead of selecting white for "Color" select Other.
Then select black in the bottom lefthand corner of "Basic colors".
Then drag the arrow on the far right up a little bit and then click "Add to Custom Colors".
Make sure that colour is selected before you click "OK".

So even though it looks pretty much like black it isn't and it prevents from older programs not showing up correctly.



// Three different visual styles
// Three different explorerframes (64x and 32x)
// Preview
// Readme with installation instructions
// Mataching start orbs


stuff in the preview:

wallpaper: [link]
icons: [link]
monitor: [link]

> Please let me know about any bugs problems and issues!
> Do not upload my work or any part of it to deviantart or any other website!
> Static standard visual style: [link]
> featured on themeFusion : [link]

Many thanks to :iconalexavila: for providing the 32x explorerframe.dll, :iconstdevilheart: for creating the shell32.dll and :iconotisbee: for the DD feature!

Thanks for downloading!
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