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snipes2's avatar

New Basic VS + Aero support



EDIT // 28.01.12:
/Disabled download option
final release coming soon

EDIT // 26.01.12:
/Added download option
/new aero caption buttons
/aero taskbar fixed
/changed button concept

EDIT // 19.01.12:
Added Dark Aero support (I'm still not satisfied with the look of the caption buttons though, will probably change again...)

EDIT // 17.01.12:
/Started working on the Aero parts
/Changed the inactive Windows Frame
/Completed the Start Menu
/Fixed the Taskbar
/Some minor changes in the Explorer Window

EDIT // 16.01.12:
Added a few controls (second screen)

EDIT // 15.01.12:
Added Start menu and Scrollbars

EDIT // 11.01.12:
Added Taskbar

What i'm currently working on.
Done so far: Frames, push button.

Let me know what you think about it!

Tip: you can force the basic style by killing the dwm.exe in your task manager ;)
Image size
1680x3264px 2.64 MB
© 2012 - 2024 snipes2
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UnknownGuy10's avatar
this is amazing work you got here, can't wait for this