Rainbow In SpaceSniper115A3 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/sniper115a3/art/Rainbow-In-Space-243835257Sniper115A3

Deviation Actions

Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

September 14, 2011
Rainbow In Space by *Sniper115A3 Suggester says: "Magnificent cosmic scene and view, the details and the idea are really good presented. A great work."
Featured by MacRebisz
Suggested by MayaVogrin
Sniper115A3's avatar

Rainbow In Space



WHOA!!! :iconzomgplz: (man I love this icon)

Thanks :iconmajcy92: and :iconvoyager212: for the DD!! You guys are awesome =D


Update August 18, 2011. There were a few things bugging me about this piece in the last couple of days, so I had to fix them... You probably won't notice any difference, but I hope they are fixed.
You can now view it in a larger resolution - 2020x1275 px. Just zoom in or click "Download Image" for sharp details. :)

Took me about a week to finish.. :phew:

ZOOM IN FOR BEST VIEW!!!!, the whole image will look blurry if you don't...

:bulletgreen:Asteroid Resource by *ChrisCold

Hope you like it! :)

Image size
2020x1275px 3.32 MB
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