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hi-fi enhancement iPhone Wallpaper



Another great wallpaper pack for your iPhone! Six various color schemes to choose from. Of course these are rendered for your iPhone 4S devices, but they should work fine on any iOS phone that supports wallpapers or lock screen adjustments.

=Credit goes to SIBAÏSalah for the awesome iPhone 4S render. You can find the original here: [link]

"hi-fi enhancement" iPhone Wallpaper by Christopher Frank (Snakesan on Twitter, asnakeproduction on deviantART) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Non-Derivative 3.0 Unported License.


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Hi-Pi1029's avatar
These seem to be a great collection of wallpapers... Too bad you can't open it up from an iPod! :D
I plan on using one of these colors, if you don't mind, on my iPod as soon as I can open this up on my computer.