smoobyrope on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

smoobyrope's avatar




Once deployed, the Humanoid Auto-Restraint Device will relentlessly pursue its designated target. Upon reaching a suitable distance, it fires restraints comprised of some form of flexible, solidified light that restrains the target's arms in a manner similar to the Takate-Kote (box tie) position seen in traditional Japanese rope bondage. The target will not be released until the device is deactivated by its user. 

samus won the nintendy girl poll so i used it as an opportunity to draw a sci-fi bondage device. 

i also used it as an opportunity to draw some booty

edit: fixed hands 
Image size
5118x4251px 5.3 MB
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Drago1776's avatar

Um... do you want help getting out of that, Samus?