Scoot's VisionSmockHobbes on DeviantArt

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SmockHobbes's avatar

Scoot's Vision



I wanted to change my style of lineart a bit, to see if I could distantiate myself some more from the show's style. I've always liked longer legs in these drawings, and all the different wings artists draw are awesome, too! That's why I tried to put down a more personal style, and this was the result. I'm quite happy with it, and hope to draw more in this way!

The idea at first was to do the colouring in the same way as my last few fluffy drawings, but others really liked the sketch, and so did I. So I chose to use the sketch, and mess around with textures and colours a bit. I quite liked the result, and I hope to draw some more this way!

If you want to know what the cutie mark is about, go ask ~Gerpie :p

Background texture by ~struckdumb here: [link]
Image size
1404x1261px 4.22 MB
© 2012 - 2025 SmockHobbes
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