:firedrake:Smidy on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/smidy/art/firedrake-42420229Smidy

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Smidy's avatar




My first attempt at anything other than a circle emoticon and I must say I think I did a goodish job for those of you that don't know a fire drake is a distant cousin to the dragon being smaller and more dog sized...

Fire Drakes are also subject to the laws of Mythology which state that each person can see it differently in their mind and all be correct, so if you don't think this looks like a fire drake then meh this is how I see them.
More information can be found here: [link]

Now I'm sorry but I'm going to have to slap a massive ©Copyright on this. Basically you can copy the idea just don't use anything from this picture and I also officially claim this as my mascot/avatar/representative so I'm looking on ways I can improve this. Suggestions Please :D

== INFO ==
Time Taken: N/A
Dimensions: 24w x 22h
Size: 3.688KB
Frames: 19
Image size
24x22px 2.37 KB
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FantasyStock's avatar
Hello! :wave:

I published a dragon art article in dA's news, and your dragon was chosen to be used throughout the article. You can view this, if you like, here: [link]

Have a fabulous day!

:heart:, FS