Lost in Manehattan: Blind in DenialSmellsLikeBeer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/smellslikebeer/art/Lost-in-Manehattan-Blind-in-Denial-342676211SmellsLikeBeer

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Lost in Manehattan: Blind in Denial



The third piece of the series of drawings "Lost in Manehattan".
After the bit gory second piece I wanted to make something not-so-drastic. After that this felt kinda lame, and first I was a bit afraid of how it would look in the end. But it turned out quite nice I think.

So, shortly, the series is about Apple Jack as an young filly looking for a different life in Manehattan. I imagine the city as really inhospitable and horrible place covered in a fake, fancy outlook.
Here's the first part: [link]
And here's the second (includes blood and violence):[link]
4th: [link]
5th: [link]

A5, Indian ink and watercolor.
I think that's all for now.
Image size
3486x4881px 15.17 MB
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Grudulepoilu's avatar
Pony prostitute ?

Aw yeah! :nuu: