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smaisch's avatar

It's all downhill from here



This was an assignment for GRDS-233: Vector and Raster Graphics.

Explore Type in Photoshop.

I chose to explore the duality of the statement "It's all downhill from here." Most optimists interpret the phrase as "things can only get easier from this point on," but more pessimistic people relate it to a situation growing worse from a certain point.

The cityscape is a shot I took in London of the skyline and many cranes. I tried to give it a "screen-printed" appearance.

The phrases at the bottom, "Construct your future, Destroy your fate" can also be applied to the duality of the piece.

Final print: 11in x 17in, 300 DPI

Comments very welcome!
Image size
792x1224px 213.83 KB
© 2007 - 2024 smaisch
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pink-eyed's avatar
Both concept and style are really cool!