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All the Roses in the World



My entry for a contest by xXxChochoxXx:

Alright before we begin, let me just say. Damn, everyone's entry just blew Lum and I away? We had a hard time judging since all entries were nailing the emotion part of the contest. Also sorry for the late post, I kept trying to write but my computer had problems! If I was rich, i'd give out more money to the drawing categories because they all were so beautiful//sob I also apologize if you don't like your placing, it was really hard to judge asdfkklsadfj
First Place: (Drawing) :iconjiro31: (Prize: $50) MONEY HAS BEEN SENT

Let's just say, when Lum and I saw this, we felt like a truck just ran us over. The fact that you chose Ren to bring Soleil really brings out the main ending. In the game, Ren never helped Soren once, until this ending. The one time Ren did agree to help Soren, was to bring Soleil home (His entire purpose of the game was to brin

Characters: Emil & Soleil

So in the story Emil's power is summoning plants, mostly roses, but instead of using them as a weapon in combat I decided to depict the magic power as a way to charm his partner Soleil - I'll bring all the roses in the world for you Pixel Rose Smol heart emoticon  .~ 
(What am I doing, Valentine is over LOL. But that's the inspiration I got, so..) =P (Razz) 

I wish I could animate this you know, some rose petals floating & flying about.. but my animation skill is still non-existent and this drawing was already time-consuming enough. :faint:

I've joined xXxChochoxXx's contests twice, mainly using traditional medium then scanned and enhanced in Photoshop:
Swords Under the Sun by SlytherclawPadawan   To Prove Myself by SlytherclawPadawan 

Thank goodness now I've got the drawing tablet so I can go digital full-force! :evillaugh: I'd say this is my best anime-style (semi realistic but still rather anime-ish) drawing so far. :phew: :la: I've tried my best to keep the drawing focused, having various depth, and generally non-distracting despite the swarm of roses & vibrant colors, but I'm open to constructive comments to make it even better, also in the rest of the drawing aspects. :tea:
Love Critiques by KillboxGraphics  Please Write a Critique by LumiResources 


Additional stocks used:

Rose Image Pack by undersea-artistry
Stock photo blaue Rosen by 1989juni
Twirl Brushes 2 by kuschelirmel-stock
ms113-magic brushes ps7 by mystify-stock
Abstract lighting brushset by Not-a-kitty
Roes and Thorns PS brushes by Hana-Keijou…
Image size
1890x1704px 516.67 KB
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