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A Kite for Naal'suul



Aaand, a Naal'suul for Kite :icondaggerfell:.

Pencil commission~

So, at this past Connecticon, while I was dealing with a long-winded geekish type visitor, a quiet girl stood very, very patiently waiting for a chance to talk to me. She turned out to be Kite, the colorist at Studio Drowtales. She pointed out some old work of mine and told me how it was very inspirational for her and she still references it to this day.


So...when she later asked for a commission of Naal in my style, how could I say "I'm booked. I have no time for commissions"?

Answer: I couldn't.

So, a couple months later, here is Naal'suul in my style. Kite said she intends to color it, so I'm pretty excited to see~ :excited:
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975x1313px 346.01 KB
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Zetsumeimaru's avatar
NAAL! I love love LOVE her! you did an astounding job drawing her.