SlvrStryker's avatar


Warning: Strangeness Lies Here
13 Watchers9 Deviations
  • Apr 23
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (24)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Well, let's see where to start...avid cosplayer in any sense of the term, general fun guy to be around...but can be slightly timid at times? =X

Also, can be snarky. You have been warned... >_>;

Current Residence: Around. That's all you get.
Favourite genre of music: Does Video Game Music count? O_o
Personal Quote: Wark!

Favourite Movies
Get Smart
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Nobuo Uematsu
Other Interests
Gaming, Cosplay, and moar Gaming.

Big Guns Ahoy!

0 min read
So here's the thing: I've been a fan of the Ratchet & Clank series ever since Up Your Arsenal came out.  Went back and played the previous games, as well as played some of the RC: Future series.  I have to say I <3 the entire series. For those of you who don't know, here's the general lowdown: Ratchet, a fuzzy cat-like creature called a Lombax, and Clank, a robot about the size of a lunch box with a very catchy laugh, go around planet to planet doing good, helping citizens, and stopping the big bad's evil mastermind plot with what can only be described as the world's largest wrench. And guns.  Lots of guns.  Lots of very *large* guns. I
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Seriously?  You seriously want to tag me?  ...well, alright, guess I'll fall for *half* of it.  Not tagging anyone, though, since I find these things to be more or less silly. -_- 10 Things About Myself 1: Straight up, I'm a gaming nut.  Call me what you will, you will never find me *not* squeeing over the latest and greatest game evar. 2: As such a gaming nut, you'll hardly find me listening to regular music, though I do enjoy it on occasion.  No, what's on my computer and MP3 player?  Epic video game music. 3: Honestly, I'm not afraid to tell the normies that I'll probably be one of the weirdest people they will *ever* meet.  What makes
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In's been more or less a week past that convention, and I must say...I had a *ton* of fun at it.  Granted, *after* it, there was some major drama that happened in my life, however I won't get into that *here*. >_>;  Anyway, highlights for the con for me were A: being able to hang out with a good chunk of friends of mine, even the ones I only get to see at conventions.  B: 18+ Anime Dating game.  It was the first one I had ever participated in, and I was on the answering Hobo!Phoenix.  Though, apparently, I made creepy remarks...but ah well. ^^  C: Cosplay Chess.  I've participated in this event before in other conventions, but
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Profile Comments 12

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i have seen some of yoru 11th Doctor cosplay, and you sir are cool! like bowties!
Bowties are indeed cool. ^^
hello random deviant
Hi! ^^ Just want to drop by to say hello. And thanks for thinking that my comic was awesome. :)
Well, it's true. Old school PKMN fans rejoyce and what not. ^^
You've been tagged! ^^
You have been tagged.
