Sunset over Turre from Mojacarslowriot on DeviantArt

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slowriot's avatar

Sunset over Turre from Mojacar



A three-shot handheld HDR, with the newer Canon 24mm f/1.4L II.  This lens is amazing for both its sharpness, and its special lens coating - the performance of the latter is extraordinary, allowing me to shoot straight into the sun like this without generating any distracting lens flare whatsoever.

Processing was a tonemap using the Reinhard algorithm, cloning out some power lines, a crop of a few percent off the right edge, curves to bring up the blues in the shadows and the reds and greens in the highlights, dodging and burning to bring out the shadows on the landscape further, adjusting saturation, resize and sharpen.
Image size
1200x800px 1.34 MB
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FabulaPhoto's avatar
Is the 24mm 1.4 a pancake lens?