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Slinkers's avatar

Potter Gump.



(It will take a long time to loaderingering! Gedda coffee. :lol: )

I stressed.

There are jammy bits in it, but this flash deleted itself about 4 times. It jammed up and corrupted itself about 10 times. It's taken about three days after i'd animated it just to get it to the uploady stage...and I don't dare touch it in case I corrupt the file again.

OH WELL it's finally dun. This was a creation I decided to make after watching Forrest Gump a little while ago. I just saw many HP parallels. The initial recording was about 10 mins long so I'll post that in a journal for you to hear soonish. :lol:

There are also Jackson tributes because I was in the middle of making this thing in the early hours of the morning, and that's when I got the breaking news that he was ded. I wasn't exactly a fan but can't deny he was a legend...(a creepy one :fear:)

Hope you enjoys it!

Joels account: :iconarcanji:
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550x400px 17.81 MB
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XxTh4nderxX's avatar
I don't think the flash is working for me... :(