Trying to make it through life, hoping to love my work one day and do creative stuff
Trying out this streaming thing, check me out on my twitch (slifertheskydragon) and saved recordings on my youtube (demonatemu)
If you want to help support, i'm usually open for commissions, feel free to message otherwise anything helps via my patreon
"We've added new protections to let you declare how your art can be used with AI, and you can now control the amount of AI-art generations you see while browsing DeviantArt. "
no and none
READ THE ROOM ugh im seriously debating deleting my entire gallery instead of going through this bull
honestly... not sure because nobody posts selfies
usually lunar new year stuff but with the pandemic and racism chinatown/asian communities have suffered (please support your local businesses)
everyone should study the communist revolution in China and understand why Chinese-Americans who fled that are more anti-communist than you are