Historia - ground plan brushessleepwalkerfish on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sleepwalkerfish/art/Historia-ground-plan-brushes-118060963sleepwalkerfish

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sleepwalkerfish's avatar

Historia - ground plan brushes



22 historical ground plan brushes made in PS CS2. The file includes the .png images - all are pretty big, most over 1000px. I intentionally left the images somewhat grainy, so no razor-sharp lines here.

No rules, just don't redistribute it as yours, please.

My brush gallery
© 2009 - 2024 sleepwalkerfish
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suedollin's avatar
What a great idea!
I can see this one as a great texture in any graphic.
It also reminds me of the intricate pathways on an electronic circuit board. Love the patterns.

Well done Betti :love: