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Cassidy woke on Sunday morning; the night before she waited with a pray of hope. At some point she had fallen asleep; in her slumber she had dreams. No not dreams but memories of when her brother Michael and her were children. She relived the fun times and even some the fights they has as children. Now at the tender age of 24 she has come to see that the last of her immediate family is no longer with her. Michael had died that night at the age 28 and all because of her; if she had listened instead of being stubborn it never would have happened. Michael never would have had to go and look for his sister; never would have ran into that man and his knife. Cassidy checked his pulse and felt her heart quicken then shudder as the tears began to blur her vision. In her head she cried out in rage and grief but aloud she still didn't want to believe it. She heard a knock on the door down stairs and went to answer it; she knew it was the Doctor on the small town and what he would tell her when he checked Michael. She went to the bedroom door and with another glance behind her she broke in tears; she held the doorknob as though it was a crutch to keep her from falling. She slowly found the strength to move and let the Doctor in; he had done his best to hurry but had a patient at the time she called the night before. He came in seeing the young woman in pain as he went to see if he could make any miracle happen with Michael. The Doctor knew Michael was to far gone as he then went to comfort Cassidy down the hall; he tells her sweet things of Michael being in peace and watching over her though his words are not received through the sobs and guilt Cassidy is full of. Cassidy woke on the warmest Sundays to the coldest of news; with her hope swallowed by guilt she knew she could never forget what has happened.
School assignment; requirements:
View the perception picture(the picture above), then write a minimium of 250 words describing what is going on (tell a story), what just happened, or what is about to happen.
Cassidy and Michael are made up names for the short story
View the perception picture(the picture above), then write a minimium of 250 words describing what is going on (tell a story), what just happened, or what is about to happen.
Cassidy and Michael are made up names for the short story
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