Isoling Growth

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SlayersStronghold's avatar

Isomara: Isoling Growth by SlayersStronghold

 Mature an Isoling into an Adult Isomara 

Note: Isoling growth into adulthood is completely optional. You may choose to have a baby Isomara forever.
There are two options you can choose from when growing up an Isoling: 1. Affection or 2. Time

1. Affection

    By caring for your Isoling you can help reach maturity faster.

Standard Isolings:
    1. Need to be at least 1 month old.
    2. Each Isoling must have a certain amount of Art or Literature of it.

For Art:
    You need to have at least three (3) drawings of your Isoling (Art does not need to be made by you!),
            - Art must be colored

For Literature:
    You need to have at least three (3) stories that include the Isoling (Literature does not need to be written by you!).
           - Stories need to be at least 150 words
Plain Gray Divider by neripixu

Duestrum Isolings:
    1. Need to be at least 3 months old.
    2. Each Isoling must have a certain amount of Art or Literature of it.

For Art:
    You need to have at least five (5) drawings of your Isoling (Art does not need to be made by you!).
            - Art must be colored
For Literature:
    You need to have at least five (5) stories that include the Isoling (Literature does not need to be written by you!).
           - Stories that are 150 words or less won't count

Slay Tidbit2 by IsomaraIndex 

2. Time

    This way of growth does not require any art/literature.
    If you wait for your Standard Isoling to be three (3) months old or your Duestrum to be six (6) months old. You can pay 100 seashells or 50 :points: and you can grow your Isoling. 
    If you wait for your Standard Isoling to be five (5) months old or your Duestrum Isoling to be ten (10) months old.
 You can grow your isoling for only 50 seashells or 25 :points:.

    Once the Isoling is of age (age is based on the date the import was uploaded to IsomaraIndex) and has the required art or literature you can submit a comment in the Import Edits journal to grow up your Isolings
    If you are growing up an Isoling you have the option to draw the adult art yourself, have someone else do it, or can pay $5.00 / 500 :points: / 1,000ss to have a staff member draw the Isoling on the official adult lineart for you.


 Why would we want our Isolings to grow up?
A. Maybe you don't want your Isoling to grow. There is no rule saying you have to grow your Isoling. However, as it is a child they have stunted stat gain and cannot take part in certain activities. There will also be some events which Isolings cannot participate in. This is completely up to you if you want to have a baby Isomara forever you can.

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[Link to Isoling]
Option: (1. Love & Affection , 2. Growth Enhancer, or 3. Time Flies )
     - (If Love & Affection link to all artwork or literature)
     - (If Growth Enhancer link to proof of purchase)
     - (If Time Flies pick one of these options:
              - 3/6 Months - 25 points or 100 seashells and say which one you are going to pay with
              - 6 Months/ 1 year - 10 points or 50 ss and say which payment method you will be using )
                (Reminder: Time amount is different based on the breed of Isomara!)
Stance: (Anthro or Feral, owner gets to choose (Duestrums are both anthro and feral, no need to fill this out for Duestrums)
Wing Type: (Larger or small wings, will decide whether Isomara is Flyer or Swimmer, owner gets to choose (Duestrums have one set large and one set small always no need to fill this out for Duestrums)
Height: (Must be inbetween 4'0'' - 6'11''; if left blank will be randomly rolled)
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