Welcome to the Island!
"I'm Slayer, the tour guide, I am going to take you through the basic information of the ARPG such as my species (Isomara), and things you can do on the Island. My job is to broaden your knowledge, give advice, and answer any questions. Make sure to read this guide if you are ever in need of help or do not know what to do next. We also have a FAQ/Help Journal in case you just have some questions you quickly want to be answered."
Art of Slayer by solar-prince
What are Isomara?
Isomara (Eye-so-mare-ah), or for short Isos, are semi-aquatic mammals with huge paws and manes and are often classified as dragons. They have feathered wings and large rounded canine teeth. They are sentient creatures with the ability to use tools, farm, herd, and even tame local fauna. They are tribal creatures who live rather simple lives. Isomara typically live in colonies that are not run by any individual but instead is formed and ran through the word of the wise. Typically older Isomara have a larger influence than younger, however, younger Isomara often get a large say in matters as they can bring forth new ideas into the society.
Isomara are the primary playable character of the game. Aside from Isomara, there are other species on the island that members can own such as Gooms and Memora. These other species are referred to as companions and help give buffs and benefits to Isomara. Not all activities in this ARPG require an Isomara there are some games which only companions can partake in.
General Isomara Species Resources:
The island has no formal name, but smaller areas of land around the island sometimes do have names given to them. One smaller island of which is called Pelemoku. One major activity within the ARPG is an exploration of the island and there is also an activity to roam outside the confines of the island and into the unknown called voyaging. There is a vast unexplored world outside of the island that Isomara call home.
General Isomara Species Resources:
What is the Island?
Isomara makes their home on this large island in the ocean. The area of the island is roughly 490,000 squared miles or about 1,269,000 squared kilometers (which is even larger than the state of Texas!)The island has no formal name, but smaller areas of land around the island sometimes do have names given to them. One smaller island of which is called Pelemoku. One major activity within the ARPG is an exploration of the island and there is also an activity to roam outside the confines of the island and into the unknown called voyaging. There is a vast unexplored world outside of the island that Isomara call home.
Other Useful Links:
How do I get started in the ARPG and get an Isomara?
Before seeking out an Isomara read over the Group Rules.
How to obtain an Isomara:
- ADOPTABLES - The most common way to obtain an Isomara. Watching SlayersStronghold or any of the other Guest Artists would be the best way to spot adoptables quickly (Designs also get showcased prior to release on the Isomara Island Patreon. Consider pledging and get sneak peaks and in-game rewards!).
- THE DAYCARE - Trade in-game currency for Eggs, Isolings, and MYO slots. There are also times where there will be FREE eggs and Isolings. You can also get make-your-own (MYO) slots for in-game currency here too.
- ADVERTISEMENTS - This gallery folder is a place you can look through as this is where people will post when they're either selling, trading, holding raffles, and giveaways of Isomara (This folder is also used to post YCH's and Looking For Iso journals).
- COURTSHIP - This ARPGs breeding mechanic. Two Isomara falling in love and raising new fluffy children how adorable!
- MYO SLOTS - Are Make-Your-Own Isomara slots that can be purchased using Points or PayPal. Companion MYO slots can also be purchased here. Make sure to read the rules thoroughly. If looking to buy a MYO slot with in-game currency go to The Daycare.
Are there things I can do in the game without needing an Isomara?
Yes, there are activities and sometimes events that only companions such as gooms can take part in.Thirsty for more knowledge?
Isoling Growth - Nurture your small Isomara into a fully capable adult ready to take on the world!
Special Traits - Additional traits that can be earned and change your Isomara's appearance
Seashells - In-Game Currency

You can also trade ss to other members and sell items at shops for ss. Lastly, if you find yourself ever in dire need of ss you can visit the IsomaraIndex's profile and you can purchase ss for DeviantArt points or real-world currency.
NPCs are always available to be added into media for ss, no need to ask! Also, the Isomaras of the Month and companion of the month featured grant bonus ss (The Isomara of the Month can be found on the group's homepage and on the profile of IsomaraIndex).Ways to retrieve bonus Seashells:
How getting seashells and items work:
Every time you submit a deviation into the group whether it be artwork or literature, you will receive a comment by IsomaraIndex on that deviation with the amount of ss you've earned for that deviation. As well as items, if it is an exploration that you submitted. Please make sure you have your comments enabled on your deviations and that you submit them to the group. You can view the breakdown of how seashells are earned here.If you ever want to transfer ss or any items to another member go visit Darwin's Delivery Service.
Isomara Group Chat - Discord Group Chat
What do I do next?
Once you feel you are ready you can jump right into activities and games. Most can be participated using NPC's if you do not yet have an Isomara or companion species.ACTIVITIES:
These are fundamental activities of the game. Most of your time playing may be involved in these. They are great for new members to do!- [B] Exploration - Scavenge for items and encounter local fauna on the island
- [B] Stat Training - Increase Isomara's fight and flight to prepare them for later challenges
- [A] Voyaging - Venture outside the island in search of new discoveries; explore and reveal the world!
- [B] Crafting - Take your items and make them into new and more useful things
- [A] Classes & Experience - Specialize your Iso and level up their profession and gain perks
- [A] Isoling Club - Have your Isoling join up with friends and go on adventures
- [A] Taming Companions - Learn to nurture dangerous inhabitants of the island to become companions for your Isomara
- [B] Slayer's Substantiation - Test your Isomara knowledge and get in-game currency and items for answering correctly - Can only be done once per player
- [A] Companion Care Drops - Let's see what your Isomara's companion has left for them. How nice of them!
- [B] Prompt Pavilion - Slayer has some odd jobs she needs help with. Earn pearls that can be turned in at Darwin's Exchange Center
- [A] Goom Races - Challenge one of Darwin's Goom companions to a race and win items and achievements
[B] Submission Saturday - Upcoming Activity - Carmen is interested in what you've been working on! Submit work in progress art, craft, or literature to earn rewards
- [A] Dungeon Dash - Upcoming Activity - Test your Isomara's stats against waves of enemy encounters
- [B] The Wishful Well- Have a wish or need some luck? Donate items or ss to help toward the next wish reward
- The Isomara Event Calendar lists the annual events and activities. These activities are only available for a short time every year.
[B] Memic Awareness Month - Memics come out of hibernation and are more active
- [B] Summer Shift - Yearly event around June/July typically revolves around a major change in the world/society/species
- [B] Halloween Extravaganza - Yearly event in October filled with fun games, contests, and challenge
- These mechanics of the gameplay a part in various activities.
[B] Features of the Month - Using a random number generator each month one Isomara of each breed, one companion, item, and achievement is featured in a journal and on the front page of Isomara-Island and IsomaraIndex. Members can include the featured Isomara and companions in any art or literature in return for extra seashells!
[B] Achievements - Badges that an Isomara can earn. There are 49 total that can be earned and are displayed on official imports..Most give perks and bonuses to the Isomara
- [B] Hunger Mechanic - Learn about buffs and debuffs of feeding your Isomara
- [A] Inflictions & Ailments - Random occurrences that can cause debuffs to an Isomara, and sometimes can trigger sudden events
[B] - Beginner activities/games
[A] - Advanced; recommended to have your own Isomara/Companions and have done some beginner activities/games first
Oh, look a little beetle, I wonder if this has to do with the Prompt Pavilion?