[Activity] Exploration Guide

33 min read

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SlayersStronghold's avatar

What is Exploration?

Exploration is the act of searching the island for items.

By exploring a biome you find items which you can use to eat, trade, sell, and craft into new things.

How Does it Work?

    Create a drawing or write a story about your Isomara and companions in one of the island's biomes1. Once your artwork/story is complete and meets the requirements below you can submit it, and when approved you'll receive in-game goodies straight to your inventory!

    Include as many Isomara and companions as you want as each one will contribute in the amount of items you will be able to find and bring back. Items and their amounts found during explorations are randomly generated. The generator will pop out what items you find as well as how many of each item. Some items are more commonly found than others. This means you may have to do multiple explorations in one biome to find all the items you want. The full list of items that can be found and their rarities are further below. 

What can I do with These Items?

    The items you find on your explorations can be used to craft various other items to benefit your Isomara and companions. You can also trade items with other members as well as the shopkeeper NPC, Pacings, he will gladly trade items you have for other items. As well as trading you can sell items for seashells.
    The main focus on these items is for your Isomara to own materials to use in the creation of other items and accessories to use in the ARPG. The items you find may also be important for events.
    One of the core uses for some items is to keep your Isomara(s) well fed. Some items can be used as food and will raise your Isomara's hunger.

Where can I Explore?

    This is the map to Isomara-Island and the biomes listed in the key are where you can explore in (Iso Villages are not biomes). You can explore any where on the island except there are two areas which are needed to be unlocked.
To explore the Goom Infected islands off the coast your Isomara will need to have the Ally of Goo achievement. Also, look out for events which some will grant all Isomara access to the goom infected biome. Gooms mainly live there and to keep their ecosystem stable. Isomara are unable to live in Goom Infected biomes. Any who try will be attacked by Gooms relentlessly. 
The island of Pelemoku appeared during an event and an Isomara will need the Island Hopper achievement to explore in that biome.

Isomara Island Map by SlayersStronghold

When submitting an exploration to Isomara-Island make sure to fill out this form in the image/story deviation description.

    Location: [Biome]
    Isomara: [List all Isos and NPCs]
    Companions: [List all if any present]

Slay Tidbit5 - By Thlyatara by IsomaraIndex

Items and the Biomes they can be Found In:


The shores along the coast are littered with seashells, the main currency of the Isomara species, along with other useful crafting materials and sometimes washed-up goodies from the ocean. Be wary as sometimes seagulls will be nettled by your presence. 

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE
[0] Goo by IsomaraIndex [0] Sand Dollar by IsomaraIndex [0] Crab by IsomaraIndex


Although vast and seemingly desolate the oceans are filled with nutritious creatures and useful materials. It's a good thing Isomara are semi-aquatic creatures and can maneuver within water with relative ease. Careful though, the further out to sea the more dangerous it is.

Rarity: COMMON 


Rarity: RARE


Scattered woodsy forests cover more land than any other biome on the island. Filled with lively critters, materials, and bountiful acres of fruits and vegetables. The forest is a favored biome to explore for both novice and master explorers.

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE   


Dense jungle and marshy terrain take up a small portion of the island, but the thick coverage can easily render any Isomara lost if not keen in directions. The tall tree block most natural light and predators are often lurking in the shadows guarding their own nests.

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE


Some say why bother exploring in such a hazardous and rocky terrain. Well, those who do not know there are valuable goods in those caverns and tunnels. Not many practical goods can be found on and in the mountain, but if you are on the hunt for something pretty or unique, you're in the right biome. 

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE


Not all sand and sun as most think. The desert is blooming with unique flora used in medicinal treatments. There are even slight chances to stumble upon a rare oasis with sparkling fresh water, but be sure to bring your own just in case your luck runs sour.

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE


Even with an Isomara's thick coat and fluffy mane many catch frostbite trekking out to the crisp snow-filled areas. Rare flora and edible fungi can be found here that are able to survive harsh climates. Snow is also a great way to gather fresh water.

  Rarity: COMMON              


Rarity: RARE
[0] Witch Hazel by IsomaraIndex

Coral Reef  

Colorful schools of fish and bouquets of coral can be found mingling together. The reefs are often very safe places for young Isomara to go find nutritious food easily and in large quantities.

Rarity: COMMON

Rarity: UNCOMMON    

Rarity: RARE
[0] Lobster by IsomaraIndex [0] Crab by IsomaraIndex


Originating from a small island off the coast this biome is the only one made up of other biomes and slowly encroaches further into the mainland. The sand and vegetation has all taken to an unnatural light teal color hue due to the goo from the native Goom species. The water around the area is poisonous and prolonged exposure could sicken any creature not immune. Gooms call this small island home and work to keep their ecosystem stable. Isomara are unable to live in Goom Infected biomes. Any trespassers will be attacked by Gooms relentlessly.

Isomara may only explore here if they've earned the Ally of Goo achievement or during some events. 

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE


The minor island, Pelemoku, emerged from the sea rather recently Isomara may only explore here if they have earned the Island Hopper achievement. 

Rarity: COMMON


Rarity: RARE

Legendary Fruits

Two exceedingly scarce fruits can be found anywhere on the island. No plant has been seen to grow these special fruits and they are seemingly found in random places laying on the ground.

Findings of Adept Explorers

Including the items that can be found above, there are some that only Isomara with qualified skills can find and collect. To learn to locate well-hidden foods or catch slippery fish an Isomara is recommended to enroll in one of the many classes. Classes give unique perks and rewards per level which enhance other activities.

These are just some of the items that Isomara enrolled in classes can find during explorations:

[0] Apple by IsomaraIndex [0] Lettuce by IsomaraIndex [0] Carrot by IsomaraIndex [0] Lemon by IsomaraIndex [0] Mango by IsomaraIndex [0] Salmon by IsomaraIndex [0] Goom Orb by IsomaraIndex [0] Pumpkin by IsomaraIndex [0] Sugar Cane by IsomaraIndex [0] Tilapia by IsomaraIndex [0] Tuna by IsomaraIndex

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