[CLOSED] Isomara DTA Contest!SlayersStronghold on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/slayersstronghold/art/CLOSED-Isomara-DTA-Contest-666790396SlayersStronghold

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[CLOSED] Isomara DTA Contest!



Winners Announced!

Firstly, thank you to everyone who participated. Expect a raffle soon!
Secondly, we were very surprised. The judges votes wound up in a tie, so we decided to hold 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

1st Place goes to Zevono

They win this Isomara and goom since their entries incorporated both

2nd Place goes to PeachKeeper

You will be allowed to choose from either an Uncommon MYO Isomara (adult or child) or Random Egg

3rd Place goes to amaura-arts

You will be allowed to choose either a Common MYO Isomara (Adult or child) or 300 Seashells

Draw to Adopt Event hosted by :iconisomara-island
Isomara-Island is an ARPG (Art Role Play Game) You do not need to participate in the game to own an Isomara!

The group reached 200 members so here was that goal's reward!

What is a DTA?
   A DTA or Draw-to-Adopt is an alternate way to adopt a design. Instead of paying money you draw for it. Out of all the entries submitted I will pick one person and they will win the design. 

Patrons are able to see events, adopts, and more things ike this prior to all other members in the game. So pledge now to see sneak peaks get other cool rewards! - Patreon    

Isomara Basics: 
Isomara Species Trait Guide
Isomara Species Information
Goom Species Guide

Check out our Emoticon Design Contest join and have a chance at a MYO Isomara or an Egg!

Name: ??? || Gender: ??? || Feral
    - Common Horns
    - Uncommon Horns (Nose Nubs)
    - Standard Ears
    - Common Long Tail
    - Common Black Pupil Eyes
    - Small Wings (Swimmer)

Personality:  (This personality is by no means the official personality, but feel free to use it)
    This Isomara is laid back. They are often dig themselves a small hole in the sand to lay. The sand provides warm, they very much enjoy the cozy warmth of the earth.


Bullet; Blue Digital and traditional artwork is allowed, but no physical things such as plushies or sculptures. Stories alone don't count, sorry. (Eventually, we will have a write-to-adopt)
Bullet; Blue Limit of three (3) entries per person. One deviation counts as 1 entry. I'd prefer quality over quantity. I want to see the love for the design and the want to use it and be proud to own this as an OC, fursona, etc.
        - You can draw the Isomara multiple times in one deviation. 
Bullet; Blue Remember Isomara are symmetrical creatures. If you split them in half down the middle the markings and patterns should be the same, but I don't expect for drawings to be perfect.
Bullet; Blue You don't have to include bio's or stories for the character, but doing so may increase your chances.
Bullet; Blue You may add one accessory to this Isomara (no Jewelry or metal made accessories)
Bullet; Blue This DTA will last all month I will not give extensions. Ends March 31st at 11:59pm MST 
Bullet; Blue You must draw the entries yourself! No tracing, using bases, or commissioning others.
Bullet; Blue All entries for the contest will be considered fanart for the winner of the design.

NOTE:  Notice that there is a Goom Companion that comes with this Isomara, however, you need to draw the goom in your entries.
If you do not draw this goom in at least one of your entries you will not be able to win the Goom with this Isomara.


Draw this Isomara above and submit the entry into the DTA Entries folder in Isomara-Island 
To submit into the folder you need to be a member of the group.


- This Isomara's design. The winner gets to choose the gender of this Isomara, age, personality all that information.
- One Goom Companion (Only will get goom if you draw it)
- If there are at least 15 entries into this DTA SlayersStronghold will draw an additional full body picture of this Isomara wearing it's accessory fo choice (If the winner did not make an accessory then it'll just be a full body of the Isomara).

BONUS: If Ten different people enter we will have a second and thrid place prize on MYO slots!

The DTA ends on Friday, March 31st, at 11:59pm MST

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Isomaras are part of an ARPG! An ARPG is an Art Role playing Game. Check out the group for more information!
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Zevono's avatar
Ahhh thank you so much! <3333