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Large Wooden Buttons



Needed some nice wooden buttons for my own collection so made some myself, but I love sharing, so here you go! :) These were created with digiscrapping in mind and so have been created at 300 ppi. They are all approximately 2-3" wide.

PSDs have been included, as well as PNGs of the buttons and threads seperately so they can each be recolored and shadowed as you desire. PNG button and thread canvas sizes are the same so you don't need to fiddle around to get the threads to "fit", just paste them over top.

Everything in the archive was created by me except for the file labeled "togglethread.png" (and the corresponding layer inside the toggle.psd file), which is from Gunhild Storeide - [link] The rights to this item are not mine to give. Please visit her website for more information on her terms of use.

Everything else is an original creation of mine. There is no license and no credit requirements. Enjoy!
© 2009 - 2024 slavetofashion69
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telynor's avatar
These are gorgeous! Thank you!