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slashygirl's avatar

More Than A Thousand Words



Art by Taranteljazz

That intimate moment where flesh touches flesh.

Your heart beats a little faster.

Desire builds to the point of no return.

You are lost in each others eyes.

Time stands perfectly still.

You wish it could last forever.

A picture like this is worth a thousand words.

Much more in fact.
Image size
600x494px 40.75 KB
© 2016 - 2025 slashygirl
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marybaker1959's avatar
I so love your work. I look at this picture and I can see the love that is there between them. I love how Jim has that little smile, it is like he is thinking how did he get so lucky to be the person that gets to love and see Spock like this. Spock well he is thinking if Jim were to swipe his thumb over his lips once more he will just lose it and just attack Jim and have his way with him.