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Focal Point (Part I)



Captain Anna Bailey watched as the USS Keras approached Gate Way for their routine six month refuel and resupply. It was hard to believe that sentry duty would be this boring--since she sent the other Knox-class heavy frigates out a bit further from the Line to guard against any possible encroachment from the enemy fleet--leaving only three to protect the installations from attack.

The woman didn't think that they would have to wait this long, but Catherine Hutchinson was insistent that they remain stationed--voicing the fact that this was their only way home.

So here she was, playing with time, and waiting.

Inwardly, the woman was climbing walls. Literally. But she had seen enough action to realize that there had come a time when even the most hardiest of ship captains had to play guard duty while the rest of her friends (and the fleet) moved out to try and bring order to this part of the known galaxy.

"Captain? Henry Archer's ship has stopped at the designated coordinates. Waiting to unload." Her tactical officer reported from her station.

"Proceed." Anna said with a small sigh, wishing and wondering if things wouldn't get a tad bit interesting for her to look forward to. To breathe a little excitement in this particular pattern of monotony.

Be careful. You may end up getting what you wished for. She reminded herself as her bridge crew got busy with the fuel and resupply process.


Artwork by Jetfreak-7.
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2100x1050px 3.05 MB
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leatherslut1's avatar
These new class starships look amazing, against the backdrop of the gateway