KH OC: NoireSkySamurai83 on DeviantArt

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KH OC: Noire



Name: Noryes
Age: ????
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Likes: Observing other worlds, Keybladers, drawing, Clay
Dislikes: Being kept in her tower, not being allowed outside, Heartless, Nobodies, Emotionless, the Keyblade King, Yami, being tied up(could be linked with Yami)
Personality: Noire is a very quiet girl who has little to no experience with the outside world. She has lived most of her life in the tower the Keyblade King has kept her in. She desires to see more of the outside then the glimpses of other worlds through her mirror. She is very kind and caring.
Bio: An artificial lifeform created by the Keyblade King as a means to find other Keyblade wielders so he may take their power for himself. She laments over her purpose for being as nothing more than a tool for the Keyblade King's selfish gain. For many years, she has waited for so long for someone to end the Keyblade King so she may be free.
Image size
1030x2169px 474.55 KB
LG Electronics
Focal Length
3 mm
© 2019 - 2025 SkySamurai83
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