Inktober 24 hybrid kindaskylertoons on DeviantArt

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Inktober 24 hybrid kinda



the reason I say this is a hybrid kinda is because its a mix between Inkpen drawing and pixel art stuff... and thats about it.

I decided to do a fun think outside the box kind of inktober idea, staring one of my old monster characters known as "The Trick or Bleeder" from Night Time.
However the Trick or Bleeder was actually based off of a short horror story made by one of my old classmates from High School who I also saw was a good pal or whatever. So when he created the story, he simply described the killer of the story which is just a guy wearing a hockey mask and armed with a chainsaw killing victims on Halloween night. Even tho the description of the killer was pretty simple, I still thought it was a cool idea and so I decided to do a drawing of what I thought he would look like and so we got this drawing  Night Time Monster The Trick or Bleeder by skylertoons  I showed it to him and he thought it was pretty cool, so I'm happy about that lol
I've only done at least 3 drawings with this being my last so far  Trick and Bleeder 2021 by skylertoons from last year, until now becuase this time The Trick or Bleeder is returning in his own stand-alone video game-ish

So we have the game known as "Trick or Bleed" made by "SkylerToons Games" and playable on the "Game Toon" which is pretty much a gameboy knockoff lol

Trick or BLEED is pretty much a horror like mario parody game (its a 2D side scroller platformer game)
and the side way description of the game is pretty simple to tell players what they have to do in the game which is, 

Collect candy... and go KILL everyone on Halloween. Thats all you have to know. Enjoy.
thats pretty much all you have to know about the game, NO need for handholding... but I'm gonna do just for shits and giggles lol

In the game you play as the Trick or Bleeder (no other unlockable characters)
The main goal is to make it through the levels while killing everyone you see which includes, cops, adults, kids, and teenagers (bonus points if their HORNY teenagers. you all know that old trope about horny teenagers in horror movies so dont be too shocked lol)
The kids are like this game's version of the Goombas from Mario, who can be easily killed. the cops and adults can shoot you. and Teenagers will just try to run away from you while sometimes maybe throw something like a rock at you. The HORNY teenagers can be found in 3 locations in each of the levels, you can find them either in a tent with hearts, behind a big tree with hearts, or in a porta-potty with hearts. 

The candy that you can collect (gumdrops, candy bars, and lolipop) are both points and health, and if you find pumpkin basket gives you an extra live. 
If you lose all your lives, you get a GAME OVER screen but not only that, but the REAL trick or bleeder will cut the Game Toon in half and starts killing the gamer (but this is just a simple cutscene so don't worry lol)
Your main weapon is The Trick or Bleeder's chainsaw, but the game also has 3 power-ups, in the form of a shotgun that takes 5 shots, 5 sticks of dynamite, and an axe that will break after 3 kills.

The game will also have some boss fights such as "The Detective", "The Police Chief", "Mama Karen", ect.
Thats pretty much on all I got rn about the game.
I know its not much but I do think it turned out pretty good and I hope u all like it too.

Buuuuuuuut if you guys maybe think that this is a good idea for a game and want to see it a real-ish gameboy like game, then maybe let me know in the comments or whatever and maybe I can give it a try by using some game making program like maybe "Gamemaker" or some "Gameboy game maker program" or something like that idk lol

Until then, I hope u all like the drawing and I hope u all have a great day and stay safe

ps go check out my previous drawing if you have not seen it yet lol
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C-Moon20's avatar

i rmb holding a Gameboy like this, and i think this game idea u made is cool ^^