Dr. Zombie game coverskylertoons on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/skylertoons/art/Dr-Zombie-game-cover-955653557skylertoons

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Dr. Zombie game cover



So its been a while since I've done a video game idea drawing thing back in October when I posted this drawing www.deviantart.com/skylertoons…

Bassically "Treat or Bleed" for the GameToon was a Mario parody and it didnt get much of favs but at least it still got plenty of views and thats batter than nothing for me lol ^^
After that, I didnt really do a new drawing related to a new video game idea. I did made a bunch of drawings related to one of my game ideas "The Sins of our Creator" which was a Souls-Like game.
Other than that, I have not made another video game idea... so now I'm back with a new one... and this is also a parody game lol

I'm sure some of you may or may not remember, but I did this drawing during Inktober last year of one of my OC's Lilli Toons as a Zombie gamer www.deviantart.com/skylertoons… in that drawing I also added in some video games next Lilli with 2 of them being real games (Resident Evil 7 and Dead Space) while the 3rd game is just a game I made up simply called "Dr. Zombie" which is also a parody game but a parody of "Dr. Mario" 
So I decided to take that tiny game cover from that Inktober drawing and turned it into a full game cover with colors

Sooooooooooooo yeah, this is Dr. Zombie.
a puzzle game where you play as a zombie, who is a doctor... a brain doctor ^^ (Dr. Zombie is abit of a mix between Dr. Mario and a lil bit of Dr. Eggman's Mean-Bean-Machine)

(game play)
game play and controls are pretty simple to understand.

In the game, its like Tetris where multi-colored blocks will start to fall from the top of the screen to the bottom and you are free to rearrange the blocks before they land on the bottom, and you just simply need to match them up to get points.
However in Dr. Zombie, instead of it being multi-colored blocks or multi-colored pills (Dr. Mario), its multi-colored brain cells.

You will need to combine brain cells which will turn them into a brain, and then you'll need to combine 3 brains to get points.
Combine 3 brain cells to make 1 brain
Combine 5 brain cells then it turns into a super brain
and both normal brains and super brians can be combined to get extra points as long as the brains are the same color.

there are 6 different colored brain cells. 
Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and grey. (you DO NOT want to combine grey brain cells together because when they are combined, they turn into a Dead Brain which gives you negative points and if you have too much dead brains, then its Game Over. However you can also get a game over if yoru brain jar is over filled with brain cells and brains)
all colored brains gives you different points depending on the color.

So yeah, your goal is simple. Combine Brain Cells to turn them into Brains and then combine the brains to get abunch of points until you win
The game has a total of 50 levels with 5 boss stages, where you go up against 5 human doctors, and you just need to make sure that your brain jar isnt filled until you win.
and once you beat the main game, theres a bonus game mode simply called "24 hour shift" aka its an ENDLESS MODE where you simply just match as much brain cells and brains together until you cant do it anymore.

thats pretty much all I have to say about the game idea 

as for the drawing, I just simply took that tiny game cover from that Lilli drawing before, and just made more details to it and colors to it.
it was the best that I could make, however I do think I did a good job on it, so feel free to let me know in the comments of what you think of the drawing.
thats pretty much all I have to say about everything in this drawing and I do hope u all like it
But before I go, I do want to say that I do have 2 other video game ideas for later on this year called "Wayler Takeover" and "Rolly-Polie" (WIP)
Sooooooooooooo maybe keep your eyes out for them or something idk
until then, have a great day ^^

Dr. Zombie
"The Doctor will eat you now"
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Shawntheimmortal942's avatar

Noice! Love Tetris and zombies!

lilli:*Cowers in the corner, not because of the zombie but because the zombie is a doctor* Needle needle no no!