Background PracticeSKY-Morishita on DeviantArt

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Background Practice



After taking a break from forcing myself to draw background I now feel like working on backgrounds again (I'm a cat....I just need to accept this fact)

I've been studying how others do their background and backgrounds from anime's and I've been applying what I noticed with this background.

To help make this simple and stream line I used the 3d asset in clip studio paint and applied the shading style. What I noticed is there are about 4 steps:

1- Base colors 2- Soft airbrush shading/spot gradiation 3- Hard shading 4- Highlight both soft and hard lines

Breaking background coloring into simple steps like that helps me to not feel so overwhelmed which ends up causing me to lock up and not want to draw.

It still needs some work but I'm just glad that it looks passable enough and now I can start applying these more to my webtoon or visual novels. Allowing myself to just let go and breath and pick up new things when according to my own free will really helps (for me at least cause again...I'm a cat....)

Anywhododdodle! I hope you all are having a great day!


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Image size
1200x927px 920.53 KB
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