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Skulltrail's avatar

Xbox 360 Achievement Unlocked



I've been wanting to create one of these achievement unlocked images for quite sometime now and all of the imitations I've found on the internet are not real enough. So I've decided to create my own using several high definition YouTube videos and Adobe Photoshop CS4 to my advantage.

Fortunately for the DA community, I am finally finished and have uploaded a PSD of my work. Hopefully it is the best one you'll find. You can use it however you please as long as you do not download it, and upload it as a new deviation and name it your own.

Please note that for this PSD to work and look as original as possible, you must use the Xbox 360 font, called Convection (two mirrors below). You will also need Adobe Photoshop or equivalent software to open PSD files. Enjoy.


Xbox, Xbox LIVE, and the Convection font are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

©2009 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Image size
265x46px 196.78 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Skulltrail
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