Hi! My name is Skoodge. I'm a short, ugly Irken Invader currently living in my friend Zim's basement on Planet Earth. I like food, conquering planets, obeying orders and classical opera. I dislike pain, water, Zim's exploding toaster experiments and Blorchian rats. OH THE PAIN! THE PAIN!
Sorry, I get flashbacks sometimes.
Anyway, maybe I'll post some art soon! Oh, and here are some people you should check out!
<--- This guy's my best friend! =D
<--- He's so funny, even if he keeps trying to eat my head and stuff.
<--- I like him too!
<--- These guys are my leaders! They're so cool, I wish I was as tall as them.
<--- He's nice too, even when he's trying to explode me.
<--- This is Dib's sister, Gaz! She's nice, except for when she beats people.
<--- This is Tak! She's pretty, isn't she?
Current Residence: Earth!
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Small. :-(
Favourite style of art: All kinds!
Shell of choice: Irkens don't have those.
Skin of choice: I get to choose?! Can I have some that's water resistant, then?
Favourite cartoon character: My Tallests, Zim, Tak, GIR, Dib, Gaz and a whole lot of others!