Too small...skifi on DeviantArt

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Too small...



(Full view is strongly advised... and you know I don't say this very often...)

...I wanted to end this wonderful year with a special picture, the finishing touch, something to feel proud about, and I think I have done it... I was in love with this drawing since I first saw the lineart, and once I had the permission to work with it, I have tried my best with the colors, detailing them, taking more time than usual... (a whole week, in fact). And now I think the result is worth the effort...

:iconseel-dingo: Seel drew this, with so many details you could only believe it if you see the original sketchbook where the picture is... and it was special for her... with an added personal meaning... I just hope she likes my version of it as much as I do. It has been wonderful to work together this year, and my wish for 2K6 is to be able to team up with her again. I really think she has helped me a lot to improve, both in arts and in a personal side. I hope she's still not tired about me! (D *pounces her, grabs her arm and doesn't let her escape*

Maybe my favourite piece done in 2005, with the exception of "King of Furries".... I'm really proud of it, and, hey, it will be really nice to know what you all think about it... ;3
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754x1000px 233.18 KB
© 2005 - 2025 skifi
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SuperSarcosmic's avatar
Aww, this is really cute and speaks to me a bit. I'm a bit older than him, but I'm also in a stage of life when you're expected to "grow up" and stuff. So many mixed feelings...