sketchingERRROR on DeviantArt

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sketchingERRROR's avatar

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I promised :iconsun-flare-draws: i would make some adopts I also promised myself so I made them today as I had a late start. They are up for adoption here and on my DA!
Ill take USD PayPal, digital art, traditional art (has to be mailed), DA points and I'll probably take anything else you offer!
Sweet kisses 
Ab: -----
Owner: Wolfhoundofthemist 
Frosted oranges
Ab: -----
Owner: :iconsun-flare-draws:
Juicy melon
Ab: -----
Owner: @//vinylpaw
Painted dust
Ab: -----
Owner: Wolfhoundofthemist
You can change the design a bit but not to much as to not go against the species which is getting a revamp! I have permission from Flare on all of this and am concidered a co-owner by Flare. Anyways enjoy!
comment if you wanna be tagged
Image size
2700x2300px 880.04 KB
© 2018 - 2024 sketchingERRROR
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AdoptieBoo's avatar
for juicy melon may i offer 2 chibi headhots?