Travis Touchdownsketcheth on DeviantArt

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sketcheth's avatar

Travis Touchdown



No More Heroes.

The resolution here is kind of crappy. It was intended to be much, much better, but such luck. This was purely for pleasure anyways, so it doesn't matter so much.

I did this to kind of relearn Painter X and just make myself do something. I kept it unfinished for a couple weeks and came back to it and it made me see a lot of things that I needed to fix, it also gave me the opportunity to somehow lose the original file so I had to just work off of a jpg preview, so it's really small. But it was still fun and helpful.

I think I did a little better on makign the shadows a little more juicy by adding different tones and whatnot...I hope I succeeded somwhat. Sorry if the lightsource is inconsistent...I was extremely scatter-brained on this piece. At least it's done. Yay.

C&C please!

several hours.
painter x.
I guess I attribute the genius of this game to Suda51...unless I'm supposed to say the publisher...which is's not my character in any event.
Image size
596x741px 231.52 KB
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