[CLOSED] Halloween Night AUCTIONSkelefrog on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/skelefrog/art/CLOSED-Halloween-Night-AUCTION-632001908Skelefrog

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[CLOSED] Halloween Night AUCTION



two night-themed snaps!! one more halloweeny than the other, but i couldn't resist breaking up the pair <3
the snap anniversary events will continue into the beginning of november!

sb; $10.00 each
mi; $2.00 
ab; $250.00 each (just to keep bids going!)

the bidding has ended, thank you all so much!!!

Good Dream Dragon
- sweet as can be! loves to take naps and snuggle up next to others
- skin is soft to the touch (kinda like a peach!) and has iridescent "scales"
- the little wings are rare, but cannot fly! they are more of a weird, complex fin than wings
- Bid Here!

- spooky!!! this snap is probably most active at night, fancies itself a "boogeyman" in that regard
- has little toy bugs in its slime, would have real ones but they would digest in there :''(
- guts and bones (as well as light-colored slime) glows in the dark!!

- upon purchase you agree to the TOS of the species; Gastrosnap TOS
-have payment available when you purchase
-if payment is not received within 24 hours the adopt will go to the next person
-as always, winner will receive fullsized unwatermarked file

species and art by Skelefrog
Image size
1027x1303px 983.89 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Skelefrog
anonymous's avatar
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Kaiidumb's avatar
These are absolutely PRECIOUS oh my god!!! I love good dream dragon so so much, your designs are getting better and better by the day <3