Lisas Reise - Firered Nuzlocke 2020Sixala on DeviantArt

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Lisas Reise - Firered Nuzlocke 2020



I don't think I need to oput up an explanation over here, y'all know what this is!

Remake of my old Firered Nuzlocke!
Are you ready to go through all that again?!
It'll be a bit different this time around as I don't jump to much at the start and like, seem to not be able to just redraw the same stuff! But initially it's the same Nuzlocke run! A few things added, a few things cut etc. HAVE FUN!
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1240x1754px 1.23 MB
© 2020 - 2025 Sixala
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Tatta-doodles's avatar

*bounces* WOOO! I look forward to this!