pictober 2023 - promptlistSIUCAR on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/siucar/art/pictober-2023-promptlist-982661722SIUCAR

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pictober 2023 - promptlist



The Pictober challenge is back for its 6th edition !

Now, be patient until the beginning of the october month ! :D (Big Grin) 

Plain red 16x16 block  Journals  Pictober 2023 | presentation | You’ve waiting for a year but now it’s real : the 6th edition of the Pictober Challenge is coming back the 1st of october 2023 !,What is the Pictober challenge ?It’s a month-long photographic challenge, only in black and white, built around a prompt list of different words. You can participate each year, from the 1st to 31st of october. This year we celebrate the 6th edition of this photographic challenge !,What is the PictoberChallenge group ?This is a group created for this black & white challenge. You can find informations, news and a gallery with every participations of the last editions.You can join this group. After the begininning of this challenge, don't forget to submit your black & white photography in the good folder. Then, all your Pictober pics will be added in the new gallery 2023 !,How to participate to the Pictober Challenge ?If you want to participate, you just need to illustrate the prompt list with a picture, one per day for each word of this list, to add the tag #pictober2023 and submit it in the right folder of the Pictober Challenge group.Stay tuned if you want to read more about the new 2023 edition ! A new journal is coming soon to tell you everything about the rules of this incredible challenge ! & Tag # pictober2023... and Pictober 2023 | rules | While waiting for the Pictober Challenge prompt list released on September 15, here are the rules of this photographic challenge...,Don't forget to take a look at the gallery of the PictoberChallenge group where you can discover every pictures taken by all the participants of the Pictober 2021... , For those who have not read the previous journal,here is a little reminder...,Pictober 2023 | presentation | September 1, 2023 You’ve waiting for a year but nowStay tuned ! Tag # pictober2023...

Plain red 16x16 block  Team :iconsiucar: and :icontriplechoc:

Plain red 16x16 block © All rights reserved. All the participants pictures of the PictoberChallenge can't be reproduced without their written permission.
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