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Drow Anniversary



UPDATE! In addition to some fixes, I resized the canvas taller. Let me know if "the palace" of the Queen looks grander this way. :)

Finally finished this one...

The drow lady here is the queen of a small tribe. Drows of Eberron worship a scorpion god instead of Lolth, and prefer to live in the jungles of Xen'drik. [link]

Livingstonian adventurers are an important part in their diet. Elves especially -- o, delicious! Speaking of soylent cannibalism, it's made with a mouse. (I've since acquired a tablet, but I can't use the damn thing.)

About the queen... She single-handedly kicked the collective asses of five adventurers AND Emeralda (Paragon Level). She might not look physically intimidating... but she is.

(A Hidden PS. Yes. She ended up becoming Emeralda's, ahem, wife... That's a long story.)
(Another PS. Her name? Yea she has one, but it's not good and need to be re-invented. Right now she's just "Drow Queen".)
(Third PS. The scorpion "jewel" in her ear is in fact a living one. A pet.)

Tools: Mouse, Paint Shop Pro 7, patience.
Image size
900x1280px 737.9 KB
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BasileusIoannis's avatar

this is incredible mouse-work, bravo :clap: the metallic-looking clothing gives her a bit of H.R. Giger (Alien) feel, and the background is gorgeous as well