Ust NathaSirInkman on DeviantArt

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Ust Natha



Here's another one from Minsc and Boos Journal of Villainy. Ust Natha, a drow city in the underdark. I had fun working with this color scheme. I really enjoy underground terrains. Not sure why, I just always have.
The book was done for charity, so go check it out. It's on DMsGuild and DTRPG.

Image size
1800x2329px 5.4 MB
© 2021 - 2024 SirInkman
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Wonderful art right here. I'm doing a whole campaign in Ust Natha and I arrived at the end of it. I have to do a civil war and I need to know the measurements of your map, a centimeter in your map how many feet is it? I would like to use it as a battle map.