The Village of FuervaldSirInkman on DeviantArt

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The Village of Fuervald



All done in PS

I was trying to find a faster way to do villages, towns and cities since they can be so time consuming and hence costly.
This sort of worked and sort of didn't. I like it but it still took longer than the desired time.
I was hoping for a one-day thing but this stretched into 2 days.

Anyway, this would be the village of Fuervald, southeast of the city of Haerlech, both in the realm of Rohrech and both of course in the world of Luma.
The naming was just fun and incidental as the original premise of this map was mainly to test a style.
But it'll stand as it is. There would be farms and such out around the village but not shown on this map.
Enjoy. All the Luma stuff is here -…

Other bits...
The City of Haerlech by Sirinkman [50%] by SirInkman  Bourmout [frontpage] by SirInkman  Sagemound [front] by sirinkman by SirInkman  Carmegenny Region 01 by SirInkman  Lands of Qaliste [stage1] by sirinkman by SirInkman  The Northlands by SirInkman
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1600x2071px 2.71 MB
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watcheye456's avatar
hehe, public house in center, love it , can't wait to use idea