Stranded in town 2SirInkman on DeviantArt

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SirInkman's avatar

Stranded in town 2



I spent last night and this morning drawing up another town for people to color in during lockdown.
This one is a bit more of a farm village. That big building at top is probably their tavern/inn.
I will do more of these if people enjoy them.

If you do a version, shoot me a link to it, be it here on DA or on most of the socials.
I'm on most of them. Remember to include me in the description.
I'll probably do my own color version later in the week.
You can donate on patreon or other ways, if you want to help out.

I hope everyone is doing ok out there. Cheers, J :)…

Other bits...
Stranded in town by SirInkman  Back Stair Street by SirInkman  Village of Bourmout [uncolored] by SirInkman  Gihn Mofeht's house [pencil] by SirInkman  Brother of the Deeps by SirInkman  The Journey 01 - dock [day] by SirInkman
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1163x1650px 827.48 KB
© 2020 - 2024 SirInkman
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