JS City Icons for maps [Sept.2014]SirInkman on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sirinkman/art/JS-City-Icons-for-maps-Sept-2014-487877455SirInkman

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JS City Icons for maps [Sept.2014]



I won a challenge contest over on Cartographers Guild for map elements. I decided to do some town/city icons for use on maps.
There are 6 different icons in 3 different sizes. I tried to convey some regional difference within a cohesive style.

Here's the original thread on the Guild - www.cartographersguild.com/map…
And here's the original pencil sketch work.
City icons by SirInkmanAnd some closeups Town map icons closeup by SirInkman
These are free for PERSONAL use - NOT for COMMERCIAL use. If you're going to make money from your work don't use these.
Not to be redistributed or added to other collections and reuploaded or distributed. Any questions - just ask. Enjoy.

Other bits...
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© 2014 - 2025 SirInkman
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Knightfall1972's avatar

These are very cool.